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Andrew Patterson releases hopeful single 'Normal People'

Andrew Patterson released his new single 'Normal People', a feel-good folk-pop track. The Belfast based singer and songwriter hopes to connect with people through the strummed guitars, insightful lyrics and the sing-along chorus. Inspired by Sally Rooney's book 'Normal People', Patterson adapted to the characters and their desire to belonging. He explains that some inspiration also evolved through his own journey. The track is a call to the struggle in each of us to fit in, despite all of our quirks and insecurities. The realisation becomes that really, no one is truly normal and everyone is searching for the same sense of belonging.

Over the last year Patterson has been playing his track 'Normal People' in his solo set and was able to record the track in the studio in July 2020 where he was able to capture the full energy of the band.

For the last five years Andrew Patterson has been releasing music and regularly played gig across Dublin and Belfast. He is known for his intimate but anthem-like song full of love and hope. The in 2019 released EP 'Out of Babylon' was met with critical acclaim. In 2020, Andrew spend his time writing new songs and ideas that spoke into the current worldview.

Find Andrew Patterson here: Spotify Facebook Instagram Twitter


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