The Fur's summery single 'Forbidden Fruit' has seen enormous success since its release last year. We wanted to know more about our latest musical love, so we got him to finish our sentences! Get to know more about the up and coming EDM producer The Fur...
When I start writing a song, the first thing I do is… getting an idea in my head from silence.
What’s most important to me when collaborating with another artist is… a deep connection on a human level.
When finishing a track the part I find trickiest is… resetting my ears.
The most important part of a song to me is… whatever part that makes you truly feel something.
In a year I would like to have achieved… a full year of enjoying my music making and growing as a person.
I would describe my sound as… warm, groovy, melancholic and authentic.
I wouldn’t be making the music I am today without… electricity.
My first memory of performing is… singing a solo at a Christmas concert.
I know if I will have made it when I collaborate with… people I love.
My favourite moment since making music is… right now.
Listen to Forbidden Fruit on SPOTIFY NOW