Journeyman hip-hop artist J.F.O has released his latest love-song, ‘dublin city night lights’, off his sophomore mixtape, ‘love the way u hurt me’.
Forming part of his moodtapes series, ‘dublin city night lights’ is an ode to the city that stole his heart -- Dublin -- despite only having lived there for a brief moment, before moving back to Singapore because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The song’s lyrics flow from line to line effortlessly as J.F.O lays bare his love for the city in an encapsulating two-and-a-half minutes.
With an unmistakable genuinity, J.F.O details his relationship with Dublin during the three months he called it home, creating a relatable narrative for all those who have developed a strong connection with something or someone.
Drawing on his eclectic influences, including emo-rock and modern-day hip-hop, J.F.O blends smooth guitar licks with contemporary trap beats to give this track a refreshing and unique sound. If this is any indication of what is to come, then J.F.O fans should be excited for the future.