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  • Writer's pictureCurious Cat

Jody Bigfoot Teleports Us Into His Sonic Universe With ‘Duszt’ Trailer

It seems now it’s once in a blue moon that an artist comes along with almost no regard for genre boundaries. Well, right now the up and coming artist Jody Bigfoot is gearing up to share his genre-fusing, daringly defiant debut album ‘Duszt’. Jody Bigfoot is an anomaly and a renegade in life and in art. His debut solo project Duszt contorts tropes and preconceptions of contemporary hip hop whilst staying true to the political roots of the genre. With a lifetime of activism and political protesting behind, it’s hard to imagine Jody Bigfoot’s music would be anything less. Pairing up with the production prodigy Tandaro, together the dynamic duo have curated a twelve-track delve into the fascinating, formidable mind of Jody himself.

‘Duszt’ is set to colour our daily soundtracks when it’s released on the 1st of May. Yes, I agree, that seems like a long way off. But, don’t worry, Jody’s got us covered with a sneak peek of this monolithic musical project on the way. Jody is set the release the first trailer instalment for ‘Duszt’ on the 22nd of January. With a feature-length film launching into the atmosphere alongside the debut album, May does seem like a long wait. This trailer, however, is set to wet our tastebuds as we get a sneak peek of not only the music but the undeniably beautiful scenes from Jody’s time spent in Japan. It’s evident that this is gearing up to be an undeniably huge year for the rising star Jody Bigfoot; we just can’t wait to be let into the secret.

Check out Jody Bigfoot on FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE

Check out Tandaro on INSTAGRAM | SOUNDCLOUD

Listen to Jody Bigfoot on SPOTIFY NOW


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