Mr L-BO showcases his latest rap single, “The Alley”, featuring Buckets Marciano produced by MetBoi. This is a bold, classy track with tons of attitude...
"The Alley" is a bar-heavy classic rap kind of track with crazy flows, wordplay, hard beats and vivid visual. This track has elements of retro hip-hop à la Dr Dre, 50 Cent and The Game. It sounds very much on the same level as these greats too, flawlessly put together. This is a beautiful mesh of haunting piano melody, string synths, subdued percussion and rap. The track has a badass feel, with its talk of hustling and surviving in a bold, outspoken way. There is an uplifting feel to it which will fill you with some confidence while listening: 'Invest in yourself' urge the lyrics.
"The Alley" is available on all major platforms. Follow Mr L-BO on Instagram to keep up with future releases.